
TV legend Klaus Schwarze is here!

TV legend Klaus Schwarze is here!

Klaus Schwarze has been working on German sports journalism over the years and verstarb non am September 18, 2024 at the age of 83. As moderator and long-standing leader of the ARD-Sportschau, one of the German Fernsehens would be one of the most common.

Klaus Schwarze: A life in sports

Special in Handball set Schwarze Maßstäbe and the most important thing is that this sport is popular with men in Germany. His expertise and his ability, even in turbulent situations to keep calm, are among the desired personalities of the sports world. We think that it is so that now in a generation and in the course of time a contribution is made to the black development, who does not know that moderation-stimulation does not amount to much.

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Born in Gummersbach, where handball is another role-playing game, takes place in the black part of a Leidenschaft for that sport. If you leave the handballs behind, the game is the best playing field edge. WDR-intendant Tom Buhrow wurdigte as an expert, the engagement with the message stattung about the handball in Germany got a grim impression. Black can be a stimulation during sports, the sport is a festive file in the long life of the hat.

The “Tor des Monats”: Schwarze’s creative Hinterlassenschaft

Part of Klaus Schwarze’s Vermächtnis is the spark of him ins Leben gerufene Rubrik “Tor des Monats”which in 1971 in the ARD-Sportschau Ausgestrahlt Wird. That idea, which came from England to Germany, shook up a format that has been played by football fans through generations. Monat for Monat rückte Schwarze außergewöhnliche Tore ins Rampenlicht and gab der German Fußballkultur eine ganz eigene Note.

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But Schwarzes Einfluss went over football. There is a federal war going on Berichterstattung mehrerer Welt- und Europameisterschaften and has always been a leading Verfechter des Handballs. For 20 years the great handball turniere, Europa- und Weltmeisterschaften, has been as a reporter.

It is an unermüdlichen Leidenschaft for the sport and an undisputed experience that is still one of the German sports journalists, who remains in the Erinnerung nach tod. A bigger man of the German sports world, the background is a great pleasure and everyone as a person and entertainer in the erinnerung.